Sunday, April 29, 2012

We had our doctor appointment last Friday and everything went well. The doctor measured my belly and we heard our baby girl's heartbeat, which was amazing! I can't believe I'm going to be 26 weeks tomorrow as I'm almost done with 2nd trimester, crazy! Baby girl is movin and groovin as I feel her every day now. It's a very weird but exciting experience. We're getting very excited to see her!!!

Since I posted last we have put our house up for sale. We had a few lookers but nothing has stuck yet.

My next doctors appointment is on May 18th where we'll get a last ultrasound. They will also take a test to see if I have gestational diabetes. I need to have an orange cocktail (my way of making it sound fun) which will let them know one way or the other. Signing off until then :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's a girl!!!
Well we had our ultrasound last Friday and it was amazing to see our little baby again. The technician went through and pointed out all the different parts, except for the sex of the baby. We looked away when she went over that :) She put the results in an envelope and we took it to a bakery to make a cake with filling being blueberry for boy or strawberry for girl. We picked the cake up on Saturday morning and had our Gender Reveal Party with family and a few friends here. It was fun as of the 18 people that came, 15 people thought it would be a boy. But when we cut in, it was strawberry filling indicating a girl! We're both very excited! The name is picked out but people aren't going to find out until she's born, sorry.
I'm feeling good and I'm a happy pregnant lady. My belly is getting big and it's getting hard to bend down now. If I drop something, I'm getting good at picking it up with my toes...or if Jacob is around he'll pick it up for me. So nice! I can feel her kick every now and then so that's exciting. We found out that she's 13 oz. when average is 10 1/2 oz. at this time so we'll see how big she grows!
My next doctor appointment is in 4 weeks so I'll post more then :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Well, we had our doctor appointment and heard the baby's heartbeat! How amazing! We also found out that it doesn't have down syndrome. This test was taken about a month ago so it was great to hear those results as well. The other news we received is my doctor moved my due date up 8 days!!! She said with how big the baby is already in the ultrasound from a month ago, she's moving me up. So, I skipped a week! I'm sure every pregnant woman would want to hear that :) I'm now due August 6th.

I'm finally off my nausea medication which is amazing...but I got sick at the same time. I had a sore throat last Tuesday and it got really bad Wednesday; sore throat, headache and cough. My OB doctor told me to take Tylenol Cold for the sore throat and Mucinex to break up the mucus. This should clear things up. I had the worst weekend ever!!! My ears were throbbing with a sore throat and cough. I called the nurse direct on Saturday and she said if it's an ear infection it'll go away in 2-3 days. Well, today is day 4 and I still had ear throbbing. I went into my normal doctor and it turns out I have an ear infection (possibly double as both ears had been killing me). I'm now on amoxicillan so hopefully I'll be feeling better soon! Talk about a nightmare...I want myself and baby to be healthy not constantly taking medication, which it feels like I've been doing.

My next doctors appointment is on March 23rd where we'll find out the sex of the baby - 20 weeks already!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

1st trimester – we found out we were pregnant on December 7th when the home pregnancy test showed up positive! Jacob’s first words “you’re lying.” At that moment I was 4 weeks pregnant. Nausea kicked in right away for me, I didn’t feel well at all – all day too. I think a man developed the words morning sickness…what do they know! I had to tell my team leader at work right away because I was very sluggish.  She suggested Sea Bands, which are bands you can wear that put pressure on your pressure points on your wrist to help with nausea. Those seemed to help and I could tell when I wasn’t wearing them. Right away I also bought the book “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.” It’s very interesting to read, especially being a first time mom. Each week explains the developments of our baby and how fast it goes, amazing! My first doctor visit was on January 6th when we saw our baby for the first time – picture below.

It’s amazing how immediate you love it! The doctor said the baby looked fine and the size was a little over 1 inch. Now, normal for that time is just over ½ inch. So, needless to say – I have a Nonemacher baby in me! I explained to the doctor about my nausea issue too and she prescribed Zolfran. I could take 2 per day if needed. In the beginning I was consistent with 2 pills per day. At about 11 weeks I was able to only take 1 pill per day, which was very exciting as I was thinking that my nausea would be going away! Yeah right, think again. I stayed on one pill a day and slowly went to 1 pill every other day. We started telling people around this time. How exciting! We had our next doctor appointment on February 3rd to determine down syndrome. The technician said our baby was almost too big for the test – normal is 2 ½ inches but ours was 3 inches already! We got to hear the heartbeat for a little while and see more pictures – below.

2nd trimester – well I’m still on one nausea pill every other day. I hope to get off of them completely but I’m having a hard time with that. I’m showing now so I had my first shopping experience with my mom for maternity clothes. Our work has special parking for expecting moms so I’m taking advantage of that! I love my weekend naps and I try really hard not to miss. Our next doctor appointment is Friday, the 23rd so I’ll update after that.